The Word - An end time call to guard your ears and hearts from lying tongues. Quit running to and fro to hear the latest popular teachers; seek to know Jesus through His Word. He is waiting there for you.
The Divided Body - Part 1 - This is not a call to merge one group with another, but a sincere look at how God's Love is to be our guide as we fellowship one with another.
The Narrow Way - We all know there is only one way to be reconciled to God: Jesus Christ is the Way. Yet how do we follow this way--His Way-- in our daily lives? Here are our thoughts.
If My People - A deeper look at 2 Chronicles 7:12-16. There are two parts to the promises of God, they are 'what God will do' when 'we have obeyed His call.' He will never do our part for us, but He will always fulfill His part when we become obedient to His Will.
The Divided Body - Part 2 - We revisit the concept of unity among the believers. There are many fear and hate mongers bantering about their personal theory of end-time terror. Yet, in Jesus Christ we have absolutely nothing to fear.
There is a Conspiracy in the Land - This message is a good follow up to 'The Divided Body Part 2'. We dip our toes into many of the theories that are distracting us from the will of God and make an attempt to redirect focus on what is really important.
by Various Authors
All messages are copyrighted by "Brother Anthony". All rights reserved.